1TM Knowledge Hub

What is this about?

This website is the knowledge hub for 1TM users and creators. It will mainly cover the following topics:

It is designed to communicate and explain the vision, principles and key features of the platform, and the potential of collaborative ecosystem built for creators upon the principles of meritocracy and self-organization.

This is not only about the 1TM platform.

Here, we'll share knowledge and resources about authorship, copyrights and other collaboration matters to help you in your creation and collaboration journey. So if you're an author, creator, or startup seeking collaboration opportunities, this is the place for you.

This website will be constantly updated with the most up-to-date information, so you can always stay in the know. We believe this will eventually evolve into a hybrid of user document and knowledge hub as we add more details about the platform features, as well as knowledge and resources for collaborating creators.

So check back often to stay in the know.

Join us on Discord

Join us there and feel free to share your own insights and experiences with us. Together, we can create a thriving community of creators who can learn from and support each other.

We are using our private discord server as the main community channel where we make announcements and share business decisions that impact the future of 1CU and 1TM. The discord server is kept private so we can grow our community gradually yet carefully with a basis of collaborative culture. But we will irregularly invite engaged followers from our Twitter channel. So follow us on Twitter and stay tuned.

Last updated